Thursday, December 4, 2008

FREE Stop Smoking Hypnosis Event on January 4th

Ladies, gentlemen, wannabe non-smokers... here's your chance: get your New Year's Resolutions started off with a BANG in 2009. I'll be offering a FREE event in honor of World Hypnotism Day on January 4th, which is a Sunday... perfect to get your week started on the right foot.

This event will include a group hypnosis session to help all attendees stop smoking on the spot. All who attend will also qualify for a complimentary followup session in my Marietta office. The total value of these services is anywhere from $150-$500 or more, so if you're serious about quitting and your budget is tight, this could be your Golden Ticket.

Check back with this blog for details on time and location, and register for this event here:

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